Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Personal Opinions on "Ten Cokes a Day"

Thanks to the Internet I was exposed to "an experiment in drinking sugar" about a guy who wants to raise awareness of how much sugar the average person drinks by drinking ten cans of Coke each day. My first thought? HELL YEAH!

But before I get into some personal opinions on this experiment, you may want to read more about Ten Cokes a Day.

What did you think?

Emotional roller coaster, right? You start with the title, screaming "Hey, why would you do this? Who drinks ten Cokes a day?" Then he answers those two questions. You then say "Hey buddy, was this Diet Coke?" And again, he answers that question. Even sneaks a Cherry Coke in for variety. That's my boy.

I like this article but there are two things that get to me. For starters, he seems like a pretty healthy guy with "sort of a Paleo diet." No matter the type of diet, the only message I would like put out there about food is moderation. Sugar, protein, fats...whatever your diet, use mo-der-a-tion. I mean, I could post a video response to this guy's Ten Cokes video with me eating a pound of bacon each morning. Ten Cokes is excessive but so is a pound of bacon. And you know why I haven't posted a response video of me eating a pound of bacon each day? Because I think I might actually die if I try it. Moderation folks. Moderation.

The second and albeit minor thing I don't like is the part about the beer. I drink a soda to relax sometimes. Or if I have a pizza, I like a soda. Hey, some people want a beer with their pizza. I think that using soda as the scapegoat puts me on the attack as a soda fan. I hate the bad rap soda is getting and you know what? I don't blame this guy for wanting to make a video like this. I hate to see kids in danger of becoming obese and not knowing the ways of a proper diet, chugging soda instead of water, day after day. It scares me. But I need to defend soda because I am an enormous fan, but only in heart, not in size. I enjoy a soda, maybe one to four a day, and some days none, and this guy enjoys a beer, who knows how many or how frequently, but we all unwind in our own way. I guess I'm just defensive about my sugar.

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