Thursday, July 26, 2012

La Semana de Gaseosas - Dia Cuatro: Jarritos Toronja

Desde fui un nino, me gusta azucar. Cuando estaba un nino siempre puse azucar en cereal, en fruitas y en muchos otras cosas pero solamente una cosa que no puedo recordar comiendo sin azucar: toronja. Tengo amigos que le gustan mucho la toronja pero a mi no me encanta porque es muy agrio. No me gusta beber los jugos toronja tambien. No odio la toronja, puedo ver los beneficios para el corazon y contra al cancer, y las fruita tiene vitamin C, que es muy buneo. Pero con esta gasoesa, no se que esperar.

"Make way for grapefruit. Go
grapefruit!" - Milhouse
Bam! This soda delivers. Despite not loving grapefruit, this soda is delicious. Maybe it's my adult taste buds, maybe its this blend of carbonated water and citrus toronja madness, maybe it's the sugar, but Jarritos Toronja is a refreshing blast of cool grapefruit. It has the grapefruit taste I remember from childhood but the overwhelming sour is missing, possibly obscured by the 54 grams of sugar! The soda is lively, jumps down your throat and the bubbles are just right. I guzzled a third of the bottle before I realized I needed to stop and its good right down to the last sip.

I wasn't a grapefruit hater before, and I'm still not an enthusiast, but I can see myself reaching for a grapefruit soda every once in an attempt to capture a taste of something different. I know there are a few brands out there that make grapefruit soda and I think before the week is out I may review another because this bottle is empty and I still crave a little more.

From the company: 8 oz has 110 calories, 0g of fat, 28g of carbs, 27g de azucar y 0g protein

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