Monday, April 29, 2013

The Jelly Bean Conclusion

I apologize for never reviewing all the jelly beans and not providing a sense of finality to the jelly bean posts. A heavy workload coupled with eating the beans while I was preoccupied and not blogging resulted in only a handful getting a solid review. My failings should only reflect poorly on the blog and not on the beans so I will provide my insight into my candy bean selection based on my memory and when it comes to candy, I have a pretty good memory (OK, it's average at best but I swear I remember what was good and bad about each brand).

Best Overall: Starburst Jelly Beans - the crunch and the flavors made for a combo that could not be beat. All the Starburst flavors were superior to the Brachs for one major reason: I do not like the black licorice jelly beans. That means taking handfuls is not an option for risk of getting the odd licorice bean and that goes double for the Brachs tiny variety.

Most Surprising: Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans - I am not a huge fan of Jolly Ranchers because they are an extremely sticky hard candy. The flavors, however, are classic and delicious, especially the watermelon. It was something I didn't consider looking at these beans and the watermelon did not disappoint. The most surprising bean flavor? Cherry. I will proclaim there was something extra in each cherry bean...I couldn't not place my finger on it, I can't even describe it, but each cherry bean began with...a different flavor. Drove me nuts but it tasted very good, just like the rest of the beans.

Honorable Mention: Mike & Ike Jelly Beans - Classic flavors with the addition of grape (Jolly Joes). Could not ask for anything better.

Brachs are what I grew up on and the cherry ones are in my top 5 candies. This year I actually found a bag of all reds (made that way, I'm not that lucky). But the classic bag lost appeal when the good flavors were gone. As for the little ones, it was way too hard to sort them all out before eating them and I did not like getting the odd licorice bean mixed in with all the fruit flavors.

Lifesavers Jelly Beans were very good, mimicked the candy's original flavors, but were sort of plain. I actually would buy them again but I can see myself eating them and still wishing for something else (like the Starburst). The Hawaiian Punch Beans were like the drink and offered a sweet and sour/sweet taste. The SweeTarts Jelly Beans had a strange consistency and being that the candy has a crunch, it was hard to consume the SweeTart flavor in a bean that almost dissolved in your mouth. I really shouldn't talk because I bought two bags of them and they were both gone in a night. The Sweedish Fish Jelly Beans were as advertised but it was very strange to have that flavor in a bean and not a chewy fish. And the Gold Emblem were fine but comparable to Brachs in size, shape, consistency and flavors, but the Brachs are just so much better.

I don't have to elaborate more on the Starburst Jelly Beans. They have been a annual tradition, along with the Brachs, every Easter since I first tasted them. My little brother agrees and makes sure to seek them out each Spring. I guess it runs in the family. So if we're crowning a champion, they would undoubtedly be the Starburst original, followed by the FaveREDS. Game. Set. Match.

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