Monday, May 13, 2013

Candy Sushi

"Ah bring us the great honor
to join with us and we have many naked woman
and fish for pleasure for you." - Charlie
This past weekend my friend Jenna D made candy sushi for my friend and fellow candy enthusiast C. Billz's birthday. For those of you who do not know what candy sushi is, see picture. It is basically Rice Krispie treats with different types of candy to create the appearance of sushi. It is good.

Now, I've had candy sushi before and always wanted to make it myself but just have not and it takes a weekend like this to re-inspire me to take a stab. Just to note, there were a couple of things I liked about this particular candy sushi that was made that I will definitely borrow when I make mine. First, the use of Nerds. They are perfect for sesame seeds and give that same crunch. Second, whatever she used to wrap the Swedish Fish around the Rice Krispie was the best I've had. It might have been Fruit Roll Up, which is what I am accustomed to, but the way it was cut or wrapped made it better than I thought could be done.

Readers should expect some follow up pics within the next couple of weeks highlighting my attempt at candy sushi. I already have gathered some input from everyone's I've tried and I also have a few ideas of my own. For candy sushi, just like real sushi, it's as much about presentation as it is about taste.

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