Happy Easter everybody! Today is a big day for many reasons. One, it is an elite candy holiday. The reason there is no jelly bean post today is because I've spent my day eating Peeps, jelly beans, Kit Kats, York Peppermint Patties, etc. etc. etc. Just killing it today with candy. Two, tomorrow millions will flock to stores to pick up Cadbury Cream Eggs at half price. Three, on television, there are two very important shows on tonight.
"So rich and creamy you'll swear it's
made in heaven" |
The Walking Dead season 3 finale is tonight at 9PM. At the same time,
Game of Thrones season 3 begins on HBO. Both of these shows are without a doubt my number 1 and 2 hour long shows currently airing. The Walking Dead became an instant addiction when I picked it up before season 3 began while Game of Thrones was a lock since that very first episode. It actually drove me to start reading the books since I couldn't wait to see what happened to the characters.
A special occasion like this calls for a special treat. While shopping today, I saw these big bottles of Virgil's Root Beer. They look to be a variation to the normal flavor as the label for these big boys reads "Special Edition Bavarian Nutmeg." Now I can't pinpoint a nutmeg flavor but Virgil's beverages are smooth. Just amazingly smooth. Like this whole bottle, these 16.9 fl oz, could be gone really quick. The flavor is earthy, the "root" part of root beer being obvious in the odor. But this isn't a review. This is a celebration of two television programs and this is the perfect beverage, in the perfect bottle, to commemorate the event.