"Custom built bike doing 103, my heart, my heart,
Kickstart my heart!" - Motley Crue |
I'm not one to drink coffee, or really eat anything for breakfast besides a sugary cereal, so my exposure to anything breakfast beverage related is limited. With Mt. Dew launching
Kickstart, I may have possibly found a morning beverage of choice. But first, let me just be honest. I drink soda whenever, which includes for breakfast, or even before dawn.
Mt. Dew's Kickstart won't revolutionize my life but despite the company not really calling the beverage an energy drink (the labels read "energizing orange citrus" and "energizing fruit punch"), my guess is that the market that Kickstart targets is the same that drinks the large energy drink containers (of which Kickstart shares the same size - 16oz). What I reeeally like so far before even getting a taste is that each can only contains 80 calories, so if this stuff is delicious, IF Energizing Orange Citrus is reminiscent of Livewire (one can only hope), then maybe I will have to become a regular consumer. We'll take each flavor on its own and give a mini-review, since in reality, this isn't soda, it's a morning beverage.
Orange Citrus
Before I say anything I have to say it's good. There is no hint of whatever makes energy drinks taste like they do. The overwhelming flavor is the orange citrus and I'm reminded more of orange juice instead of soda. The label does say it contains 5% juice. It has a good bite and that alone gives me a little jolt of energy. With all the positive to say about the drink, I must divulge my negative thoughts. It feels a little filling; like 16 oz is going to be a struggle to put down. The beverage also "feels" sugary, meaning there is an aftertaste similar to soda compared to a juice.It is not overly sweet but has a solid flavor for orange and depending on how I feel in a little bit, we'll be able to see if this breakfast beverage upholds the claim of being energizing.
Fruit Punch
The red liquid pouring from the mouth of the can is unmistakable: this is fruit punch. Prior to having the
fruit punch flavored Goya soda during La Semana de Gasoesas, I'd never really had a fruit punch flavored soda beverage. The odor is not strong and honestly, the flavor is not too strong. Fruit punch makes my lips/mouth smack, almost pucker but not in a sour way. Fruit Punch Kickstart has 50% of that which I guess can be preferable if one is drinking this in the morning. Like the Orange Citrus, it is sugary but not overly sweet.
The important thing about this beverage is the nutritional facts. As I mentioned before, there is only 80 calories per can, but the rest of the stats stack up like this: Orange - 80 calories, 0g of fat, 21g of carbs, 20g of sugar, 0g of protein, 100% DV Vitamin C, 80% DV Vitamin B6: Fruit Punch - 80 calories, 0g of fat, 20g of carbs, 19g of sugar, 0g of protein, 100% DV Vitamin C, 80% DV Vitamin B6).
Not bad for a carbonated beverage from the makers of Mt. Dew. Oh, and I didn't really do anything active following imbibing these beverages, and I drank them at night, so their ability to "kickstart" my day could not really be measured.
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