Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Friend of the Blog Week: C Billz

Chris, aka C Billz, is one of my closest friends. Someone I've shared stories with over glass bottles of Coke, traded candy flavors to suit each other's favorites and created candy inventions that can be described as unique and often grotesque. We once melted the sugar coating off Sprees with Kool-Aid to create a ultra-sweet cocktail that looked like a deep florescent red lava. We also chill Haribo in the fridge (many people do this) and put Chewy Sprees on a heater for a specific amount of time that makes the candy melt in your mouth (I suspect less people do this).
In honor of C Billz on the second day of FOTB Week, I want to share the most recent story of his contributions to my soda and candy addiction. Two weekends ago while coming home early from a wedding on a Saturday morning, a few of us stopped off to get a coffee and snacks for the long ride home. After grabbing a doughnut and a strawberry milk I approached the check-out, still groggy and somewhat oblivious, only to have C Billz point out a stand-alone beverage case that housed glass bottles of Pepsi and Mountain Dew, and not the Mexican variety. Straight up American cola. I was beyond excited. Stoked, to say, if you don't mind me using outdated vernacular. I would have missed these if it wasn't for my brother from another mother, and for this, I thank you C Billz.

The Pepsi might have been one of the best colas I've had this year and the Mountain Dew, well, it's been years since I've had one in glass.

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